The Pink Pig Blog — vintage

Searching for the Perfect Gift With Vintage Style?

Searching for the Perfect Gift With Vintage Style?

Searching for the Perfect Gift With Vintage Style?

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Arianne Foulks

Display your Tole Trays!

We love displaying these pretty hand-painted Tole Trays in the shop. Large Tole Tray Tole is a French term - Tole peinte du lac, which means painted tin. John Hanbury of Wales began producing tin trays and as the demand grew where ship to Europe and America.

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Arianne Foulks

French Vintage Style Oui!

White, crisp, elegant, authentic, natural vintage! It has occurred to us here at Pink Pig that many of our vintage interests often resemble the French county style of home furnishing. So we searched and found one of the finest, most romantic lines available anywhere! We currently carry the Cote Bastide line of linens, a small independent company in France which originated in 1990. Cote Bastide Honeycomb TowelsCote Bastide Honeycomb Towels and Cote Bastide Linen Kitchen Towel, as shown in the picture above can be ordered through our website below. Also in this fine imported line to satisfy the vintage lovers...

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Arianne Foulks

Foraging From Nature to Enhance Your Rustic Cabin Decor

Now is the perfect time to enhance your rustic cabin decor and vintage style with natural elements you can find in your own yard. Pink Pig's apothecary jars, mason jars and other vintage vessels are perfect receptacles for simple arrangements that make a bold statement. Grab your clippers and a basket and stroll through your garden or yard with an new outlook on the flowers, plants, shrubs and...

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