White, crisp, elegant, authentic, natural vintage!
It has occurred to us here at Pink Pig that many of our vintage interests often resemble the French county style of home furnishing. So we searched and found one of the finest, most romantic lines available anywhere! We currently carry the Cote Bastide line of linens, a small independent company in France which originated in 1990.
Cote Bastide Honeycomb TowelsCote Bastide Honeycomb Towels and Cote Bastide Linen Kitchen Towel, as shown in the picture above can be ordered through our website below. Also in this fine imported line to satisfy the vintage lovers is Cote Bastide Potpourri, a sweet romantic lovely fragrance for your country home.
Perhaps the best description of these products comes from the company themselves, their words say it so perfectly:
"All the bright-eyed excitement in a child's expression. The soft caress of a bath towel. The pleasant shock of cool water in the morning. Côté Bastide springs from these intimate emotions to transform them into a unique collection that changes everyday experiences into a sheer delight. Like the best enterprises, Côté Bastide comes straight from the heart with only one ambition - the revive for the benefit of contemporary tastes the objects, fragrances and sensations that filled the homes of yesteryear which are so lacking from our modern lives.
Côté Bastide distills the essence of enjoyment of life, its products are an evocation of quite mornings in the country, of travels of myriad memories, gentleness and freshness, and above all of Provence whose spirit and sunshine illuminate little cameos of life and lend Côté Bastide creations their special charm."
How could we resist?
You can view these items as well as other French treasures at out website: http://www.pinkpigwestport.com.
Questions or comments? Contact us : http://www.pinkpigwestport.com/pages/Contact-Us.html